Michelle Moura

Michelle Moura currently lives in Berlin. In minimalist works, she has spent several years researching the strategies that can be used to create psychological and physical changes. Today she is interested in the artificiality and dissociation of elements and manipulates movement, expression, sound and language. Her creations have been presented at international dance and performance festivals such as Impulstanz (AU), Panorama (BR), and La Biennale di Venezia (IT). As a dancer, she has worked with Lea Moro (CH/DE), Wilhelm Groener (DE) and Vincent Dupont (FR), among others. Together with seven other Brazilian artists, Michelle Moura was a co-founder and member of the Caulifower Miniglobal Artistic Community (2005–2012). Her performance “Overtongue”, which was created as part of Tanztage Berlin 2021, was one of 13 productions invited to Tanzplattform Deutschland 2022. 

Image: Mayra Wallraff


Michelle Moura


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