Tanz im August and Sustainability

How can you run an international dance festival with thousands of attendees – without causing devastating ecological effects? We strongly believe that we have a responsibility to develop more sustainable alternatives to existing practices that still allow us to come together, to celebrate, to experience art and culture, to enter into dialogue with one another, and to (co)exist in this world.

In light of this, the issues of sustainability and ecology have become increasingly central to our work. We need to ramp up the implementation of the changes that we have been pushing in recent years. Recycling and energy-saving measures are already part of our everyday practice, and the following policies, already implemented last year, will also be realised in 2024:

Mobility & transports
An international festival would not be possible without travelling, but we are organising less flights and more train travel for the visiting companies, along with a reduction in car travel. Local transportation will primarily take place by (cargo) bicycle or public transport. In addition, we are working together with other summer festivals to organise more ecologically friendly tours and transportation.

We make sure to accommodate our guests in Berlin hotels that are known for their climate and environmentally friendly practices and have the credentials to prove it. We place particular importance on finding accommodation that is within walking distance of the venues, in order to avoid travel by car.

Printed materials
Along with a continual reduction in our printed materials, they will be printed on sustainable paper using non-toxic ink, and wherever possible, we use products with the “Blue Angel” label. We continue our practice of only having digital evening leaflets and are working exclusively with Berlin-based printers to reduce transport-related emissions.

Carbon Footprint
Our actions should be quantifiable: as a festival run by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, our data feeds into HAU’s carbon footprint, meaning the impact of these measures is fully documented. Our goal is to reduce the festival’s carbon impact every year.