Dorothée Munyaneza

Toi, moi, Tituba

English, French & Kinyarwanda with German & English translation

12.8. ● Beyond the Stage with Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi

Minimum age: 12 years

Duration 70 min

How can we bring something to life if it is no longer there? Munyaneza creates a space for remembrance to resonate. She dances and sings on behalf of all those whose existence was denied by the colonial system. The work celebrates unheard, untold stories and lives, Elsa Dorlin's Guyanese great great grandmother, or Tituba, a Caribbean woman persecuted in the Salem witch trials. The music is by oud player and electronic music producer Khyam Allami. A living archive emerges in the interplay of sound, movement, light and shadow, revealing and sharing repressed knowledge.


Full Price | 22€
Reduced | 11€­

Additional service fees for online booking with Reservix apply.


  • Cast

    Artistic Direction & Performance

    Dorothée Munyaneza

    Live Music

    Khyam Allami


    Khyam Allami, Dorothée Munyaneza


    Stéphanie Coudert


    Elsa Dorlin


    Marine Le Vey


    Camille Frachet, Aude Besnard

    Stage (Villa Elisabeth)

    Sabine Krien, Mohammad Nazeri, Domink Stillfried, Louis Rixner, Sujin Choi, Tristan Sötje

    Costume management

    Esther Naumann (Villa Elisabeth)

  • Credits

    Production Cie Kadidi / Virginie Dupray

    Co-production Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse, Maison de la Danse Lyon – Pôle européen de creation, DeSingel Antwerp, Pavillon ADC Geneve, Fonds TransFabrik – Franco-German fund for performing arts

    Residencies CCN – Ballet national de Marseille, Friche Belle de mai, Montévidéo Marseille.

    Supported by Camargo Fondation, Cassis / DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Montévidéo festival Actoral Marseille.

    Dorothée Munyaneza is associate artist at Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse, the Camargo Foundation and the Maison de la danse Lyon – Pôle européen de création.

    In cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth.

Past dates


St. Elisabeth-Kirche
Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin

The St. Elisabeth Kirche is accessible via a wheelchair ramp on the right-hand side. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of Villa Elisabeth.