La Ribot

Films & Installations (2002–2017)

Exhibition Wed–Sun 15:00–19:00

Opening 13.8., 15:00

Alongside her performances, La Ribot has always created films that stand alone as works in their own right. Very early on she began taking her performances into gallery spaces in order to break down the hierarchy between performer and audience. Merging performance with video art, her films are sensual, archaic, rudimentary. A selection of these film works now comes to Berlin affording festival-goers a comprehensive overview. Works to be shown include “Another pa amb tomàquet” (2002), “Travelling” (2003) and “Beware of Imitations!” (2014).

Shown as a part of the RETROSPECTIVE LA RIBOT: Occuuppatiooon!

Born in Madrid in 1962 and now based in Geneva, La Ribot is a choreographer, dancer, director and visual artist; a radically multidisciplinary creator. Her work has its origins in movement, the body, and her own background in dance, to which she adds other practices, systems and materials as they become necessary. From the beginning of her career her work has included live performance, video, speech, sign language, found art, installations and ‘relational’ works. She has involved different communities in her performances and videos, both professional colleagues and people with no experience in the world of art.


Her works have been presented at the Tate Modern, London, the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Panorama Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Impulstanz, Vienna and Art Basel. She was awarded the Spanish National Dance Prize in 2000 and The Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts in 2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Tanz im August

Curators Andrea Niederbuchner, Virve Sutinen
Exhibition Design Anja Trudel

La Ribot

Production Management & Communication Sara Cenzual
Technical Direction Marie Prédour
Management / Distribution Nicky Childs / Artsadmin, London
Distribution Visual Art Angel Varela
Management / Distribution Spain / South America Paz Santa Cecilia

La Ribot – Genéve is supported by the department for Abteilung Culture by the city of Geneva, Republik & Kantons Geneva and Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.

Produced by Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.

Magazin im August Article

"Freedom to Imagine"

Past dates

  • Sun 13.8.

    from 15:00 to 19:00

    Notes: Exhibition opening

  • Wed 16.8.

    from 15:00 to 19:00

  • Thu 17.8.

    from 15:00 to 19:00

    Notes: Wed–Sun 15:00–19:00

  • Fri 18.8.

    from 15:00 to 19:00