La Ribot

Films & Installations (2001–2017)

Part of the RETROSPECTIVE LA RIBOT – Occuuppatiooon!

Wed–Sun | Galerie Barbara Weiss | 15:00–19:00
Opening 13.8.2017

Alongside her performances, La Ribot has always created films that stand alone as works in their own right. Very early on she began taking her performances into gallery spaces in order to break down the hierarchy between performer and audience. Merging performance with video art, her films are sensual, archaic, rudimentary. A selection of these film works now comes to Berlin affording festival-goers a comprehensive overview. Works to be shown include “Another pa amb tomàquet” (2002), “Mariachi 17” (2009) and “Beware of Imitations!” (2014).

  • Cast

    Exhibition Design

    Anja Trudel


    Andrea Niederbuchner, Virve Sutinen

  • Credits

    With kind support of Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung.

    Thanks to Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP), Paris and Bärbel Trautwein and Daniel Herleth / Galerie Barbara Weiss.

Past dates