Prophétique (on est déjà né.es)

French, Nouchi, Brazilian Portuguese with German & English surtitles

12.8. ● Beyond the Stage with Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi

Minimum age: 16 years

Duration 70 min

Once again, Nadia Beugré shines a spotlight on people who are pushed to the margins of society, questioning roles and identities, those assigned and those to be taken. Beugré’s new work is based on research into the incredibly lively and rebellious transgender community in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Many of its members earn their living as hairdressers by day, and celebrate their identity as dance divas by night. Beugré combines elements of voguing and coupé-décalé revisited by the performers – in a struggle for a better future.

Website of the artist: 


Full Price | 22 / 17€
Reduced | 13 / 9€

Additional service fees for online booking with Reservix apply.


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Trailer “Prophétique (on est déjà né.es)”

German Premiere
  • Cast

    Artistic Direction

    Nadia Beugré


    Beyoncé, Canel, Jhaya Caupenne, Taylor Dear, Acauã El Bandide Shereya, Kevin Kero

    Lighting Design

    Anthony Merlaud


    Jean-Christophe Lanquetin

    Artistic Assistant

    Christian Romain Kossa

    Outside Eye

    Nadim Bahsoun, Adonis Nebié


    Technical Production managment

    Kevil Pahl (HAU2)

    Light (HAU2)

    Andreas Kröher, Max Wegner, Sebastian Zamponi

    Video (HAU2)

    Fine Freiberg

    Sound (HAU2)

    Frider Naumann/ Rainer Grandt

  • Credits

    Produktion Libr’Arts / Virginie Dupray

    Koproduktion Kunstenfestivaldesarts Bruxelles, Théâtre Le Rideau Bruxelles, Points Communs Nouvelle scene nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d'Oise, Montpellier Danse, Centre Pompidou Paris, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Holland Festival Amster-dam, ICI – CCN de Montpellier Occitanie, Culturescapes Sahara 2023, Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, La place de la danse CDCN Toulouse Occitanie, théâtre Garonne scène européenne – Toulouse, Fonds Transfabrik – French-German Fund for performing arts, Spielart Festival Munich, Theater Freiburg, Africa Moment

    With support from the DRAC Occitanie – French Ministry for Culture and Communication

    Residenzen La place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse Occitanie, L'Agora de la danse / Montpellier danse, Théâtre Le Rideau Bruxelles

    Dank an Ivoires Marionettes, Institut français de Côte d'Ivoire

Past dates

  • German premiere

    Fri 11.8.

    from 21:00 HAU2

  • Sat 12.8.

    from 21:10 HAU2


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to