Doris Uhlich


Doris Uhlich was born in Upper Austria in 1977 and studied Education in Contemporary Dance at the Konservatorium Wien from 1997 until 2001. She worked as a performer for the theatercombinat from 2002 until 2009 but began to create her own projects in 2006. Her piece "SPITZE" (brut/Wien, 2008) was awarded the Tanzpreis des bm:ukk (Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur) and was shown at the Festival Impulse in 2009.

Doris Uhlich has produced many performances: "und" (dietheater Wien, 2007) "Plus qu´il n´en faut" ("more than enough", Les Subsistances/Lyon, 2009), "Glanz" (brut/Wien, 2009), "Loggia" (Burgtheater/Wien, 2009), "Johannen" (15. Internationale Schillertage im Nationaltheater Mannheim 2009), "Lipsi Swan" (play! LEIPZIG, 2010), "Before Swanrise" (Tanznacht Wien, 2010), "Rising Swan" (brut /Wien, 2010), "Uhlich" (Wiener Festwochen, 2011), "Sneak Preview" (Stadtkino Wien, 2011), "SIROD" (A project with students in Theatre, Film and Media, WUK, 2012), Werkschau "Alles Uhlich" (brut / Wien, 2012), "Come Back" (U.A. steirischer herbst, 2012).

Besides her work as a performer and choreographer, Doris Uhlich also teaches at

Tanzwerkstatt Wien, ImPulsTanz, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, k3/Tanzplan Hamburg, Tanzhaus Zürich and Theaterakademie Helsinki. 2008 she was named "remarkable young choreographer" by the yearbook of Ballettanz and was elected „Dancer of the year 2011“ by the magazine "tanz".