Fabian Hinrichs

Fabian Hinrichs, born in 1974, first studied law before switching to the Folkwang University of the Arts. He has appeared in numerous film and television productions since 2003, including currently as Commissioner Felix Voss in Tatort. He first attracted international attention for his 2005 performance of the role of Hans Scholl in the Oscar-nominated production “Sophie Scholl–The Final Days”, and in 2010 he received the Special Max Ophüls Prize for Best Actor for the film “Gravity”. Fabian Hinrichs had his first theatrical engagement during his studies at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, and following this he worked at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz between 2000 and 2005. Since then he has worked at various other theatres, including the Munich Kammerspiele, Schauspiel Köln, the Burgtheater in Vienna, the Wiener Festwochen and the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg. Alongside his extensive collaborations with Schorsch Kamerun and Laurent Chétouane he has maintained a close working relationship with writer and director René Pollesch. In 2009 he was selected by Theater heute as actor of the year for their production “Ich schau Dir in die Augen, gesellschaftlicher Verblendungszusammenhang!” In 2010/2011 he developed the work “Ein Koffer voller Schmerzen” for the Sophiensaele in Berlin. At the 2012 Berlin Theatertreffen he received the Alfred Kerr Prize for the production “Kill you Darlings! Streets of Berladelphia”, developed with René Pollesch for the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. In 2012 he produced “Die Zeit schlägt dich tot” together with the Berlin Festspiele and HAU Hebbel am Ufer, and in 2013 “Ich.Welt.Wir.- Es zischeln 1000 Fragen” for the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg.  In 2014 he received the Ulrich Wildgruber Prize for his artistic work.