Mattia Russo, Antonio de Rosa

Antonio de Rosa and Mattia Russo graduated in classical and contemporary dance, at the Ballet School of the Teatro alla Scala, Milan.

Antonio de Rosa began his career as a dancer at the Maggio Fiorentino, the Arena di Verona and the Teatro alla Scala, Compañía Nacional de Danza de España.

Mattia Russo began his career at the Choreographic Center of the Generalitat Valenciana, in Spain, to then work for Introdans, then for the Compañía Nacional de Danza in Madrid, where they grow and develop with the best choreographers on the international scene.

In January 2015, they create the KOR'SIA collective in Madrid together with Giuseppe Dagostino and Agnes Lopez Rio.

Since 2017, de Rosa and Russo have concentrated their activity in KOR'SIA as Artistic Directors, Choreographers and Dancers. 

As choreographers Antonio and Mattia had been invited to create for other companies as e.g. Compañía Nacional de Danza (Spain), Luzern Theatre (Switzerland) and Opéra National du Rhin (France). 

Together they receive numerous choreographic awards including e.g. FEDORA Prizes, Biennale Award and 1 Prize TANZPLATTFORM BERN and many more. 

De Rosa und Russo consider it essential to develop a space focused directly on learning, giving master classes and workshops on creative processes, in conservatories, and universities, such as the Accademia Nazionale di Roma (IT), Conservatorio Superior de Danza María de Ávila in Madrid (ES), Northern School of Contemporary Dance (UK), Tsoying Senior High School (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) among others.

Image: Paul Rodriguez




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