Tamara Cubas

Born in 1972 in Montevideo, Uruguay, Tamara Cubas holds a visual arts degree from the National School of Fine Arts and a master’s in art and technology earned in the Netherlands, after which she enrolled at the Contradanza contemporary dance school in Montevideo. In the dance pieces she creates, she follows two lines of enquiry: exploring the performative body in a constant search for bodily autonomy; and referencing the other by developing projects with amateurs and non-artistic communities. She is a project manager for PROAC, an NGO that works in the field of social development through art and culture. She has been a consultant on the dance licence degree for Uruguay’s state university (UDELAR) and for Solis, the national theatre in Montevideo. She runs Campo Abierto, a place for collective thinking on the arts; and co-runs the Perro Rabioso collective. Her most recent pieces include “Trilogia Antropofágica”, “Multitud”, “Canibal Serie” and “Offering for a monster”. 


Tamara Cubas

Sea of Silence

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