Open Call für persons with physical disability

For two productions we are looking for participants of workshops that are part important parts of the performances: Chiara Bersani will hold a workshop for “SOTTOBOSCO” in which she will expolre the relationship between disabled bodies and nature.


Together with musician and sound artist Lemmo and choreograph Elena SgarbosserChiara Bersani will develope a new language based on sounds and movements, that will be developed further at each stop of the tour. For this we are looking for persons with physical disabilties over the age of 14, who are interested in exploring the relationship between movement, music and space - each based on the different possibilities of their bodies. Furhter information can be found on our workshop page and directly in the open call document

I was a disabled child, often immobilized. I was placed at a point in space, left there for a long time, and then I would memorize that point. I didn't orient myself in the paths but I knew perfectly well the places of pause, quiet, refreshment.” – Chiara Bersani

Based on her childhood experiences, Chiara Bersani will hold a workshop for persons with physical and motoral disabilities that will focus on the relationship between bodies with disabilities and nature.

The workshop will be held together with musician and sound researcher Lemmo, and the dancer and choreographer Elena Sgarbossa. They will develop a new language based on sounds and movements, that will be developed further at each stop of the tour. The workshop is thus an integral part of the performance and the participants will be invited to join the performances of “SOTTOBOSCO”, which will take place in the frame of Tanz im August on 18., 19. & 20. August in HAU2.

For this we are looking for people with physical and/or motoral disabilities over the age of 14, who are interested in exploring the relationship between movement, music and space - each based on the different possibilities of their bodies.

The participation in the workshop and the performances is paid. Further details and information can be found here.