Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon / Christos Papadopoulos


German Premiere in cooperation with HELLERAU (Dresden) 


Minimum age: 6 years

Duration 1 h 00 min

A strong fascination for the creativity inherent in natural processes can be found in Christos Papadopoulos’s entire œuvre. His most recent work is dedicated to the mycelium, the complex underground network of fungi. More vibration than dance, 20 performers collectively create a moving entity, reminiscent of a flock of birds or a shoal of fish. Rhythmic shifts, repetitive structures, and tiny variations lead toward a continuous evolution. Far from romanticisation or attempted mimicry, “Mycelium” is an organic dance that reveals the necessity of survival behind the beauty we often perceive in natural phenomena.


Full 38 / 33 / 25 / 17 €
Reduced 25 / 17 / 10 / 9 €

We offer a special Youth ticket for this performance. Children and young people up to the age of 14 pay a special price of 5 € when accompanied by an adult ticket holder. 

Additional service fees for online booking with Reservix apply.

Check out here an interview with Christos Papadopoulos. The interview is in English with French subtitles. 

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German Premiere
  • Cast


    Christos Papadopoulos

    Assistance choreography

    Georgios Kotsifakis


    Coti K.

    Light design

    Eliza Alexandropoulou

    Costume design

    Angelos Mentis

    Maîtres de Ballet

    Amandine Roque De la Cruz, Raul Serrano Nuñez


    Jaqueline Bâby, Kristina Bentz, Edi Blloshmi, Eleonora Campello, Noëllie Conjeaud, Katrien de Bakker, Tyler Galster, Paul Grégoire, Jackson Haywood, Mikio Kato, Amanda Lana, Almudena Maldonado, Albert Nikolli, Leoannis Pupo-Guillen, Roylan Ramos, Anna Romanova, Marta Rueda, Raul Serrano Nuñez, Giacomo Todeschi, Kaine Ward


    Jaqueline Bâby, Kristina Bentz, Eleonora Campello, Noëllie Conjeaud, Jeshua Costa, Katrien de Bakker, Tyler Galster, Paul Grégoire, Jackson Haywood, Mikio Kato, Amanda Lana, Almudena Maldonado, Albert Nikolli, Leoannis Pupo-Guillen, Roylan Ramos, Anna Romanova, Marta Rueda, Giacomo Todeschi, Kaine Ward

    Director Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon

    Cédric Andrieux

    Production management

    Eugénie Bourdy

    Company management

    Alexandre Mesta

    Technical management

    Nathaly Rouquet

    Stage management

    Jérémy Torres

    Lighting management

    Yohann Fourcade

    Sound management

    Philippe Roiron


    Sophie Duverne

    Costume management

    Valérie Spery


    Frédéric Tricaud

    Stage technician (Berliner Festspiele)

    Benjamin Brandt, Karin Hornemann, Fred Langkau, Mirko Neugart, Juliane Schüler, Manuel Solms

    Lighting technician (Berliner Festspiele)

    Kathrin Kausche, Lena Weisner

    Sound technician (Berliner Festspiele)

    Giacomo Hofmann, Alexandros Itsodelis, Martin Trümper

    Stage technician (HAU)

    Ruprecht Lademann

    Lighting technician (HAU)

    Fabian Boldt, Anna Cackett, Ullrich Kellermann

    Costume management (Tanz im August)

    Aleix Llussà Lòpez, Esther Neumann, Muriel Kunkel

  • Credits

    Co-production Opéra de Lyon – Biennale de la danse, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris

    With the kind support of the Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture. 

    In cooperation with Berliner Festspiele

Further Information

Visitor note

There are passages with high volume.

Past dates


Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Schaperstr. 24, 10719 Berlin

The Haus der Berliner Festspiele in Schaperstraße 24 has wheelchair access without steps to the foyer and to the auditorium on the ground floor. A wheelchair accessible lift is available for the upper foyers. This lift is equipped with tactile lettering. There is a WC on the ground floor for persons with restricted mobility.