Portrait von Christos Papadopoulos

Christos Papadopoulos

Christos Papadopolous was born in 1982 and studied dance and choreography at the School for New Dance Development (SNDO) in Amsterdam, theatre at the National Theatre of Greece Drama School (GNT Drama School); and political science at Panteion University. His distinctive choreographic style stands out by its highly developed visual-art dimension; the close relationship between bodies and spaces, and movements and music; and the importance of the choral group. Nature is forever inventing a profusion of forms, movements and structures – and observing them is a source of inspiration. Since 2003, Papadopoulos has taught movement and improvisation at the dramatic art school of the Athens Conservatoire. After assisting various stage directors as a choreographer, in 2016 and 2017 he created his first works, which soon earned him national and international recognition. 

Image: Elina Giounanli


Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon / Christos Papadopoulos


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