Hiroaki Umeda

Haptic Installation

Duration 02:30 Min

Hiroaki Umeda invites the audience to undergo an unfamiliar sensory experience: in his video work “Haptic Installation” images are projected onto the closed eyes of visitors in a darkened space. Light is a part of dance for the Japanese choreographer and multidisciplinary artist, who combines digital images, minimalist sounds and strong physicality in his work. And so he gives viewers the paradoxical experience of perceiving colours physically and seeing choreography with closed eyes.

ExhibitionFor Free
  • Cast


    Sound & Image Direction


  • Credits

    In cooperation with KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.

Admission free

Workshop Hiroaki Umeda: Kinetic Force Method
10. + 11.8.2019 | 10:00–13:00 | Tanzfabrik Berlin Kreuzberg
Workshop in the realm of OPEN SPACES / SOMMER TANZ 2019 of Tanzfabrik Berlin about the “Kinetic Force Method”, developed by Umeda, which is working on the flow of movement in harmony with natural forces and kinetic principles.
Info & registration: www.tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Past dates

  • Fri 9.8.

    from 10:00 to 18:00

  • Sat 10.8.

    from 10:00 to 18:00

  • Sun 11.8.

    from 10:00 to 18:00