Isabelle Schad


Duration 180 min

In her performative exhibition “INSIDE OUT” Isabelle Schad shows choreographic sculptures that are experienced in their powerfully sensuous moving forms. Her work situates itself between dance and visual art, draws on her ongoing fascination with Aikido-Zen, community building and her long-term collaboration with Laurent Goldring, whom she invited to participate in “INSIDE OUT”. With subtle exactness they form bodies, material such as clothing, lengths of fabric and movement into sculptures which define their own space and evolve a contemplative quality.

  • External Links
  • Cast

    Concept & Choreography

    With the participation of

    Laurent Goldring

    Artistic Assitance

    Claudia Tomasi

    By and with

    Jozefien Beckers, Barbara Berti, Frederike Doffin, Naïma Ferré, Josephine Findeisen, Przemek Kaminski, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Manuel Lindner, Adi Shildan, Claudia Tomasi, Nir Vidan, Natalia Wilk

    Lighting & Technic

    Bruno Pocheron, Emese Csornai


    Damir Šimunovic

    Dramaturgical Advice

    Saša Božic

    Costume Consultance

    Charlotte Pistorius, Lydia Sonderegger

  • Credits

    Production Management: Heiko Schramm. Production: Isabelle Schad. Co-Production: Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Supported by: Wiesen55 e.V., with kind support of the Croatian Ministry for Culture and defacto Zagreb, Institut français, Polish Institute Berlin, Embassy of Israel in Berlin.

    In cooperation with KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.

Price: 15€
Discount: 10€
Ticket information

No seating
Admission possible at any time

Past dates

  • World Premiere

    Thu 16.8.

    from 18:00 to 21:00

  • Fri 17.8.

    from 18:00 to 21:00

  • Sat 18.8.

    from 15:00 to 18:00

  • Sun 19.8.

    from 15:00 to 18:00