Jefta van Dinther


World Premiere

13.–16.8., 17:00–21:00 | St. Elisabeth-Kirche

Berlin-based choreographer Jefta van Dinther breaks down our human drive to revive and the yearning to relive in a stripped down choreography of body and voice. In this durational performance, ten dancers uncover the body’s boundless mental and physical resourcefulness. The audience is summoned into the intensity of repetition and invited to linger in the sweetness of introspection. “Unearth” digs into the body as material, while exposing both social and spiritual constructs of kinship, purpose and mortality.


Choreography Jefta van Dinther

By & with Juan Pablo Camara, emeka ene, Leah Katz, Gyung Moo Kim, Leah Marojeviç, Dana Pajarillaga, Manon Parent, Roger Sala Reyner, Thomas Zamolo, Jefta van Dinther

Costume design Cristina Nyffeler

Voice coach Doreen Kutzke

Choreography assistance Thomas Zamolo

Artistic advisement Gabriel Smeets, Maja Zimmermann

Photography Jubal Battisti

Trailer: Unearth

World Premiere

Production: Jefta van Dinther. Production Management: Uta Engel, Romy Hansford-Gerber. Distribution: Key Performance. Administration: Jefta van Dinther (DE), Interim kultur AB (SE). Co-production: Norrlandsoperan Umeå. The research phase of "Unearth" is funded by the Swedish Arts Coucil. Funded by: Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Jefta van Dinther is funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, supported by the German federal states and the federal government commissioner for culture and the media.

In cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth.

Price: 25 €
Discount: 15 €
Ticket information

The audience area is unseated, therefore you are free to find your place to participate. Admission is possible at any time until 30 min before the end according to availability. The duration of your stay can be freely determined.

Past dates


St. Elisabeth-Kirche
Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin

The St. Elisabeth Kirche is accessible via a wheelchair ramp on the right-hand side. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of Villa Elisabeth.