Latifa Laâbissi

White Dog

Duration 70 Min

How can we discard practised points of view, like old resentments? How can we outsmart the clamour and violence of media debates? In her new piece for four performers, Latifa Laâbissi suggests a surprising strategy: walk away! “White Dog” concentrates on the movements of fleeing, on turning and sidestepping as a form of poetic struggle. The French dancer and choreographer thus ties in to themes from her previous works, such as camouflage, visualising the marginalised and communities of wilful individuals.

  • Cast



    Jessica Batut, Sophiatou Kossoko, Latifa Laâbissi, Volmir Cordeiro

    Set Design

    Nadia Lauro


    Latifa Laâbissi, Nadia Lauro

    Lighting Design

    Leticia Skrycky

    Sound Design

    Manuel Coursin

    Artistic Collaboration

    Isabelle Launay

    Technical Director

    Ludovic Rivière

    Production Management

    Fanny Virelizier / Figure Project

  • Credits

    Production: Figure Project. Coproduction: Festival de Marseille, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou, CCN2 – Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, Le Triangle – scène conventionnée danse à Rennes, Le Quartz – scène nationale de Brest, le TNB – Centre européen théâtral et chorégraphique, Rennes, CCNR – Centre chorégraphique national de Rilleux-la-Pape, L’Échangeur – CDCN – Hauts-de-France, Nanterre-Amandiers – Centre dramatique national, Opéra de Lille, Le Vivat, Armentières. Supported by: Institut français, Stadt Rennes, Rennes.

    With the support of Institut français and French Ministry of Culture/DGCA.

Price: 15 / 25 / 30 €
Discount: 10 / 15 / 20 €
Ticket information

Past dates

  • German premiere

    Thu 15.8.

    from 21:00 to 22:20 HAU2

  • Fri 16.8.

    from 21:00 to 22:20 HAU2

  • Sat 17.8.

    from 17:00 to 18:10 HAU2


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

Latest information for arrival

There is currently a construction site on Hallesches Ufer between Wilhelmstraße and Möckernbrücke underground station. There is a divided replacement route for pedestrians (right) and cyclists (left), which are separated by a yellow ground line. The carriageway is narrowed to one lane.

Travelling to HAU2 via U Hallesches Tor:

If you are coming from Hallesches Tor underground station, you will have to use an alternative footpath from Wilhelmstraße / Hallesches Ufer junction, which is separated from the carriageway by a construction fence – the actual footpath is currently closed. Please note: the alternative route is also used by cyclists. Pedestrians should keep to the right. We therefore currently recommend that visually impaired or blind visitors come to the HAU with an accompanying person.

Arrival HAU2 via U Möckernbrücke:

When you leave Möckernbrücke underground station, please stay on the footpath on the canal side until you reach Hallesches Ufer / Großbeerenstraße junction – the opposite side is currently closed due to construction work.