Maija Hirvanen


World Premiere

12.8, 19:00 | 13.8., 21:00 | 14.8., 19:00 | HAU2

14.8. ● Meet the Artist

Duration 80 min

Between people and matter, breath and wind, feelings and electricity, “Mesh” by Finnish choreographer Maija Hirvanen reimagines the human in a more-than-human world. Four dancers are caught in a web of entangled life forms, building on the bodily intersections of fungal networks and interspecies communication. In connecting multiple layers of being, these mystical and hybrid stage creatures become ever more enmeshed in the question of what it is to be human.


Artistic direction & choreography Maija Hirvanen

With Marika Peura, Marlon Moilanen, Suvi Tuominen, Pie Kär

Lighting design Heikki Paasonen

Sound design Tatu Nenonen

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World Premiere

Production: Friends of Physical Contemporary Art. Co-production: Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus, Tanz im August / Hebbel am Ufer. Support in Administration and Production: Arts management Helsinki.

Price: 30 / 20 €
Discount: 20 / 15 €
Ticket information

Bus Transfer:

13.8. | LA VERONAL (Haus der Berliner Festspiele) → Elle Sofe Sara (HAU1) & Maija Hirvanen (HAU2)

The festival bus allows you to travel free of charge between selected festival events and venues using your event tickets. No reservation needed.

Past dates

  • Fri 12.8.

    from 19:00 to 20:20 HAU2

  • Sat 13.8.

    from 21:00 to 22:20 HAU2

  • Sun 14.8.

    from 19:00 to 20:20 HAU2


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

Latest information for arrival

There is currently a construction site on Hallesches Ufer between Wilhelmstraße and Möckernbrücke underground station. There is a divided replacement route for pedestrians (right) and cyclists (left), which are separated by a yellow ground line. The carriageway is narrowed to one lane.

Travelling to HAU2 via U Hallesches Tor:

If you are coming from Hallesches Tor underground station, you will have to use an alternative footpath from Wilhelmstraße / Hallesches Ufer junction, which is separated from the carriageway by a construction fence – the actual footpath is currently closed. Please note: the alternative route is also used by cyclists. Pedestrians should keep to the right. We therefore currently recommend that visually impaired or blind visitors come to the HAU with an accompanying person.

Arrival HAU2 via U Möckernbrücke:

When you leave Möckernbrücke underground station, please stay on the footpath on the canal side until you reach Hallesches Ufer / Großbeerenstraße junction – the opposite side is currently closed due to construction work.