Taoufiq Izeddiou

Hmadcha حمادشة

Arabic & French with German & English translation

22.8. ● Beyond the Stage with Alya Sebti
23.8. Audio Description

Minimum age: 12 years

Duration 70 min

Taoufiq Izeddiou imagines a place beyond the material world, which manifests as an amalgam of rhythm and movement. Hmadcha is named after a Sufi brotherhood, that was founded in the 17th century in Morocco. Inspired by this group’s spiritual festivities, the work combines tradition with the present: trance and a range of breathing techniques become a practice for collectively re-emerging from a crisis. The minimalist set design creates space for both rapid movement and stages of exhaustion. In short: for a ritual of transcendence.


Full Price | 27 / 22 / 17€
Reduced | 17 / 11 / 9€
Youth Ticket | 5€


Additional service fees for online booking with Reservix apply.


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Production Anania Danses

Co-production Festival On Marche à Marrakech, Théâtre Jean Vilar à Vitry-sur-Seine, Théâtre du Boisde l’Aune à Aix-en-Provence, Chateauvallon Liberté Scène Nationale, Pôle Arts de la Scène de la Friche Belle de Mai à Marseille, Le Tangram Scène Nationale d'Evreux, Ballet du Nord CCN des Hauts-de-France à Roubaix

Supported by Ministère de la Culture du Maroc, African Culture Fund, Aideà la résidence de création du Départementdu Val de Marne, Aide à la création du Département des Bouches du Rhône, Carte Blanche aux Artistes de la Région PACA

Residencies La Briqueterie CDCN du Val de Marne à Vitry-sur-Seine, Ecoles Municipales Artistiques de Vitry-sur-Seine, ESAV de Marrakech, Institut Français de Marrakech, Riad Denise Masson

With the kind support of the Institut français and the French Ministry for Culture.

In cooperation with Radialsystem

Past dates


Holzmarktstraße 33, 10243 Berlin

Freedom of movement to all of the rooms (with exception of the deck) is guaranteed. There is a barrier-free restroom in the foyer, and directly in front of the entrance of the building are barrier-free parking spaces.

Information about the venue's accessibility can be found here (in German).