9th International Festival Berlin
1.8. – 24.8.1997
“Tanz im August” achieved new heights in 1996 when the Komische Oper was made available for the presentation of the Martha Graham Dance Company with the financial support of “Partners for Berlin”. That same year we introduced the festival title headline “Internationales Tanzfest Berlin”. Tanz im August’s growing popularity with the Berlin audience has clearly proven that dance, in all its diversity, has the potential for creating an event of international format for the city.
Internationally renowned choreographers as well as younger choreographers and dancers have been invited to confront our festival audience with their experimental, often radical works. Parallel to the performance series, an intensive training programme allows young dance professionals from across the world to come into a direct working dialogue with more experienced choreographers.
This year’s programme also contains a thematic focal point: the works of Jasperse, Bel, Ruckert and Fabre expose the body – through various forms of nakedness – as object/subject, image/function and material/identity. The representation of the body will also be one theme during the public discussions following these productions.
(Excerpt from the foreword to the 1997 programme by Nele Hertling, Marion Ziemann, Ulrike Becker and André Thériault)
Venues 1997: Hebbel-Theater, Sophiensæle, Podewil, Theater am Halleschen Ufer, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Komische Oper, FriedrichstadtPassagen, Klosterruine, DOCK 11 and Künstlerhof Buch.