Amanda Piña

Amanda Piña is a choreographer, dancer and cultural worker based in Vienna and Mexico City. Her work deals with the decolonization of art, focusing on the political and social power of movement. She sees her works as contemporary rituals that are intended to temporarily abolish established divisions and is in search of new framework conditions for the development of art. Her works have been shown at the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain Paris, ImpulsTanz Festival and Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City, among others. Since 2008 she has run the gallery space nadaLokal in Vienna, which she opened together with the visual artist Daniel Zimmermann, with whom she also founded nadaproductions. She is currently working on the realization of the long-term project “ENDANGERED HUMAN MOVEMENTS”. 

Image: Bea Borgers


Amanda Piña

Frontera | Border – A Living Monument

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Amanda Piña

EXOTICA – On the Brown history of European dance

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