Mette Ingvartsen

Mette Ingvartsen is a Danish choreographer and dancer. From 1999 she studied in Amsterdam and Brussels where she in 2004 graduated from the performing arts school P.A.R.T.S. Her work is characterized by hybridity and engages in extending choreographic practices by combining dance and movement with other domains such as visual art, technology, language and theory. 

An important strand of her work was developed between 2009 and 2012 with The Artificial Nature Series, where she focused on reconfiguring relations between human and non-human agency through choreography. The series includes three performances devoid of human presence. 

By contrast her series, “The Red Pieces” inscribes itself into a history of human performance with a focus on nudity, sexuality and how the body historically has been a site for political struggles. 

“Skatepark”, a large-scale performance for skaters, dancers and local skatepark communities, premiered in 2023.

Mette Ingvartsen established her company in 2003 and her work has since then been shown throughout Europe, as well as in the U.S, Canada, Australia and Asia. She has been artist-in-residence at Kaaitheater in Brussels, Volksbühne in Berlin, and associated to the APAP network. 

She holds a PhD in choreography from Stockholm University of the Arts / Lund University. 

Besides making, performing, writing and lecturing, her practice also includes teaching and sharing research through workshops with students at universities and art schools. She has collaborated and performed with e.g. Xavier Le Roy, Bojana Cvejic and Jan Ritsema, as well as invested in collective research projects such as the artist platform EVERYBODYS. 

Image: Bea Borgers


Mette Ingvartsen


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