Viktor Szeri

Viktor Szeri (born 1993) is an performer and choreographer based in Budapest. In his multidisciplinary pieces, the interplay of different (performing) art forms and visual solutions can be observed. His spontaneous and improvisational creative processes are usually motivated by a desire to express a mood or a feeling. Yet, dance always plays a crucial role in his work: for him, it is a language through which the imperfect, transient and vulnerable human body can break free of the constraints of social norms. His performances are visceral: blurring the boundaries between the stage and the auditorium, they invite us into intimate realities where the audience has an active role. The ideology and complexity of conventional art spaces, such as theatres and galleries, are as much a source of interest as the potential in public spaces, off-sites, and abandoned buildings. 

In 2018, he founded the artist group Hollow, with whom he has worked regularly ever since. He studied at the Contemporary Dance School and at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. Recently, he has been awarded several scholarships and residencies e.g. in Prague and Istanbul. His individual works and collaborations have been presented e.g. in Budapest at Trafó House of Contemporary Arts and at Open Space – Centre for Visual and Performing Arts in Tbilisi. 

His piece “Fatigue” was awarded the Rudolf Lábán Prize 2023 and was selected as part of the Aerowaves “Twenty24 Artists” network Since 2020, he has been the main organizer of the Under500 interdisicplinary performing arts festival in Budapest Festival. 

Image: Iringo Simon


Viktor Szeri


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