Alessandro Sciarroni



Minimum age: 12 years

Duration 5 h 00 min | Admission any time

A humanity that has voluntarily chosen to become extinct that is the imaginary scene of “DREAM”, a durational performance. To classical and experimental music, they embark on a journey in which any sense of time slowly evaporates. Like sleepwalkers, the performers seem to fluctuate between different realities, mysteriously responding to subtle changes in space that can even lead to encounters with the audience. “DREAM” is an exhibition of living sculptures, an intermediate realm between music, theatre, and dance, in which everyone is invited to wander and discover new scenes.


Full 22€
Reduced 13€

Additional service fees for online booking with Reservix apply.

Artist's Note by Alessandro Sciarroni

„In Dream the performers are figures that the spectator is allowed to visit as if they were inside a museum, a plaster cast gallery: they are works of art in the flesh. Their emotional state may resemble a sleepwalking body: the mind wanders between memory, future, imagination and dream. The feet are firmly grounded in the here and now and at the same time in the elsewhere. They are bodies with perpetually wide-open eyes, at times full of hope, turned towards an apparent emptiness, astonished by the overabundance of meanings, tending towards an implosion of emotions. The figures seem to silently (and joyfully) express the desire to be innocently powerless. But their path is full of light: in the palm, in the backs of the hands, in the eyelashes...

Music is the only possible representation of the soul. Like the soul, music is immaterial and has no meaning. The music played by the pianist (who is in a similar state to that of the other performers) may prompt them to listen to each other from afar, in an attempt to compose in unison. Until a new silence.

Through proximity, the spectator’s presence can modify the performers’ state: the figures organise their sensitive and tactile field in connection to the gaze that runs through them. At times, the narrative of the elsewhere merges with the present time and reconnects with the manifestation of a possible sensuality. „

Alessandro Sciarroni 


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German Premiere
  • Cast


    Alessandro Sciarroni


    Marta Ciappina, Elena Giannotti, Valerio Sirna, Edoardo Mozzanega, Pere Jou, Michele Ermini, Circe Poyet, Maxime Roi-Sans-Sac


    Davide Finotti

    Dramaturgical advice

    Salvo Lombardo


    Aurora Bauzà, Pere Jou

    Costume design

    Ettore Lombardi

    Lighting design & technical care

    Valeria Foti

    Advice & development

    Lisa Gilardino

    Administration & executive production

    Chiara Fava

    Press relations & communication

    Pierpaolo Ferlaino

    Social media

    Giulia Traversi

  • Credits

    Production MARCHE TEATRO Teatro di Rilevante Interesse Culturale, Corpoceleste_C.C.00#, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels, CENTQUATRE – PARIS, Festival D'Automne à Paris, Triennale Milano Teatro, CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG, Centrale Fies, Snaporazverein, Azienda Speciale Palaexpo – Mattatoio | Progetto Prender-si Cura, La Contrada Teatro Stabile di Trieste. 

    In cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth

Further Information

Visitor note

There is no designated seating area and the audience can move through the scenic space freely. Folding chairs are available on request. 

Tickets can be booked online for the specified admission times and at the evening box office (subject to availability). 

The duration of the stay can be freely determined. Re-entry is possible if there is capacity. 

Past dates


St. Elisabeth-Kirche
Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin

The St. Elisabeth Kirche is accessible via a wheelchair ramp on the right-hand side. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of Villa Elisabeth.